Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Breaking of The Self Defence

Before this, I was a strong person. My ego was high. My self esteem is unchallengeable. I am being at the top of myself. Being 25, you feel like you can do anything. You don't need anyone. You are the best of what you are. Until recently, my defenses has eroded. My ego has gone to the drain. I was stripped. I wasn't the 'me' that I looked into the mirror everyday. This has become the new 'me'. I almost don't recognize myself anymore.

I guess being in love means a lot of breaking your ego, challenging the new heights, and being in the place that you never thought you could ventured into. I had been in my comfort zone for too long. This comfort zone had provided me everything I want. I was loved. I was warm. I never need to live in fear. But I had decided to break the circle, jump out my comfort zone. I was prepared to get hurt, again. I am ready for the coldness. I am prepared to go across the hurdle in life.

I am venturing into the new height in my life.

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