Saturday, March 10, 2012

Suffering of a Soul

What is this?

Ask yourself, if you met a beggar coming to you, will you spare some sympathy or some loose coins? Or you just turn away and ignore his agony, whatever his suffering is all his wrong-doing and bad luck, nothing of your concern. Or you will kick him squarely on his butt, chasing him out of your sight and solve the problems once and for all? What about this is a stray dogs?

I saw a viral video on Facebook about how people tortured their pets, and this feeling came to me. Human has both good and evil side, just like the face of a coin. It is up to our control that which sides prevails. The choice is ours, to choose the dark path or walk the path of light. Seeing the animal cries in pain simply heart-breaking, needless to say it is much more worse for the accomplice.

The situation took a twist in the hospital settings. Often, we gets patients from the prison. They come in bright and colourful clothes, and for a peculiar reasons, their clothes stinks, sour and hard. Some are not well, but truth be told, they are less of a person when they are being admitted. They came in chains, and with a bodyguard. But doctors (generally) thinks they are nuisance, self inflicted illness, or worse still, want to be admitted because wanted to take a 'prison break' and occupy a softy hospital bed instead of a hard cells. Their IV's are difficult to established. Their complaints, no less than a handful, and their stay usually prolonged.

Yet, they are human too. They have names, they have stories, and they have their family who waits for their release one day and pray for their well-being, just like us. Whatever done in the past is NOYB. We can't segregates them just because they are convicts. They are our guest, too. Treatments and care should be given same, if not more for these people. Just offer your service with a sincere heart.

The picture above is the hangman's rope. One day when our life come to end, wouldn't it be nice to know that someone cared for you, too?

NOYB = none of your business!

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