Saturday, November 22, 2008

Making Heaven Out of Hell

Lately, I had been having conflicts with my new department. Being accused for the things that I didn't do, senior officer talking bad behind us, colleague that is very calculative and no team work spirits and many more. All these had been burdening me quite a lot lately, to the extend of almost feeling depressed.

Yesterday, I had a revelation...

I was walking down the alleyway towards the cafeteria. Suddenly a thought stuck me... I was making my own living hell. Why not make a heaven out of it?

Now, I am working in one of the wards. My senior officer in the ward is what a common people would call 'bitch'. She was the kind of people that likes to gossip. She has a couple of horrible gossips partner, that not only tell nothing but lies, but also love to wreak havoc. What makes the matter worse is she is also likes to report to the big boss regarding small matters, and exaggerates things. Her mood swing is as fast as the F1 racing machines.

Lately, I had been called to an inquiry, no less thanks to her. She had been telling lies behind the big boss. Glad the things I did was acceptable under standard medical practice, I was spared from getting a punishment.

How can I clear up this mess?

First, make truce with her, my senior officer. I said to myself, why would my mood be affected by someone that is so less important to me? She can curse, talk bad, laugh about me, but she can't control the way I feel. Follow her order, my day will be fine. Against her, she makes the hell out of me. So you tell me, which way I should go?

Being nice to people doesn't always equals to people being nice to you. There are people who takes advantage on other people. I notice of late, there are colleague that fits into the criteria above.

She came late to work. She doesn't want to clerk cases. She does not want to present to a consultant during rounds. She does not like to wake up during night call. In the end, who needs to cover her? Me. Who needs to clerk case? Me. Who needs to present cases? Me. All me, and me and just me. Naturally, I was up in smoke. How is it justified that who of us get paid but only one get to work?

And again, why should I be not happy for some other people's problem? If she doesn't like to learn, it is her problem. If she doesn't want to work, it is her problem. The more I work, the more I gain, in terms of knowledge, experience and improves on my patient relationship. At least, I know the hard-earned money I get at the end of the month are worthy.

Working is fun, only if you can make heaven out of the living hell.

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