Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Homeless Nest


One fine evening, I took my camera out for a shooting. And I found this empty nest. I vaguely remember there were a robin with 2 chicks some 3 weeks ago. Guess they grown up already and left the nest for a better life.

Back to real life, my sister is leaving the hometown for good, for the future. What she left to is an empty nest. Grandpa used to be dependent of her. When she is gone, this old man will be lonely. Yet, true to the sayings, old man are stubborn. I just simply can’t  him to stay with us (me and mother) for he has things that he can’t leave behind. But most of all, he is afraid of change. Any trip to unfamiliar place will pose a treat to the stability.

Soon, there will be the ‘Empty Nest Syndrome”… 

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