I don't know why I am doing this. Just half way through my exam. It's the 3rd day, to be exact. I am blogging away. Hehe. Exam, exam, exam. I truly believe last minute effort would not work. Plus tomorrow is a multiple choice questions, which can sometimes depends on luck factors. So why study at the nigh hour?
There has been lots of tips circulating around lately. Before exam, during classes, outside toilet, over dinner table. Experience had tell me that not to depend on them solely as that can bring destruction. This had been true for the first day and second day exam paper. Some joker must have been spreading news that Trichuris trichiuria (a worm infestation) is definitely a spot question for paediatric during this exam. In the end, Malaria infection is being asked! Surprise, surprise. Everyone that depend on the tips is cursing away when the exam was over. Today, we were having patient management problem on psychiatry. Again, tips regarding some freako alcoholic is sure coming out. Naturally, everyone is reading Delirium tremens, Alcoholic Anonymous, Intoxication of alcohol right before being summoned into the exam hall. I reckoned that the one that provide the tips must have seen the front page of the exam question only because it turn out to be a young man involved in motor vehicle accident became delirious and in the end, found to be SCHIZOPHRENIC! Everyone is shouting: " Where the heck is the alcohol!" Haha. Isn't it fun to have exam?
I guess the real useful tips for exam is not to be overanxious before or during exam, because that really impair the judgment and performance during the exam. I always take exam as 'another tutorial or practice'. There you go, when you are calm and cool, your mind works better because there is less thought block. Always recite a prayer, charm or something you like before entering the exam hall. Try to forget everything before the exam starts. That's right. Unlearn the things that you know. Only then, you can perform your best.
Hope it turns out alright for me this time. Pray for me folks.
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