Saturday, June 19, 2010
Growing Up!
Now, as I wrote this blog, I am being promoted as officer in a small town's hospital. As a matter of fact, I am being in charge of the casualty. With it, its safe to say that my job has come to a stable pace. I enjoyed more privilege than before. There are staffs that I have to take care and work together. People will look up to you for decision making. Your decision finally will affect the patient's life. I am not afraid. I believe I have enough of 'juice' to run the casualty. It's the skills that I need to honed up.
Before this, if I have any doubt, there is always someone senior to guide me through. But now, I am fully in charge of my own decision and the decision of others under my care. This is the process of growing up, and growing out of my shell.
I am enjoying my life, now, at least. Every moment of it.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Love is...
Love is stopping by for grandma cross the busy road
Love is cooking a hearty meal and put food on table
Love is thinking of people in need, and cry for not able to help them
Love is caring and guiding your enemy, despite how they mistreat you
Love is waking up in the middle of the night and making coffee for two
Love is caring yourself well, don't let your loved one worry
Love is holding the hand of Ill one, and say the couraging words
Love is never overlooked small happiness in life
Love is nothingness

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, January 15, 2010
My Babies
Work is so boring, if not because of all these kiddo, I wouldn’t enjoy much of my work of late…
First is the monitor of the ward. Hehe. Sleeping soundly. But when he is awake, he can make the havoc out of the ward, Poor thing, still oxygen dependent.
This little gem always gives you a wide smile. All he wants is you to carry him around. He is the most cheerful from the lot. And witty too.
Whoa! She gave me shock the first time I saw her, and still do. If you happen to walk into the ward in midnight and she is wide awake, might give you a scare or two.
Mr Sweet is always so adorable… The crewcut is due to branula setting. Otherwise, he is a vey quiet boy, feed the fastest and sleep most of the time. The eyes are big, but I am doubtful that he can sees.